Our History | Trattoria Degli Orti - Grottammare (AP), Tavern, Restaurant, Pizzeria wood oven

Our History

The "vegetables festival": so can be simply defined the TRATTORIA DEGLI ORTI, founded in 1993 in Grottammare by the Alessiani family (Gabriele, Gabriella, their son Emanuele and his wife Federica). At the Trattoria one can enjoy a wonderful view over the Adriatic Sea whilst breathing pure country air and experiencing the typical rural cuisine.

The diverse vegetables cooked by Gabriella are all coming from the surrounding areas and are accurately selected and controlled before being cooked. Its strong point is its healthy, fresh and genuine cuisine, which is appreciated also by many culture, sport and show business celebrities as well as tourism and cuisine magazines, which over the years dedicated to the Trattoria degli Orti many gratifying articles. At the Trattoria degli Orti, moreover, more than twenty years ago was invented the vegetable variant of the famous "Oliva all'ascolana", one of the most beloved specialty of this restaurant!

The Trattoria degli Orti stands for also for delicious wood-fired pizzas, available only for dinner. Besides the classical ones, one can here find also many pizzas with seasonal vegetable, lighter but still exquisite.